Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Power Of A Habit

Have you ever considered the power of a habit?

I have. I am a very habit-driven type of person (whether that be for the good or the bad) and always have been. This year, I have been working on kicking two of my most terrible/gross habits: 1) chewing ice (like I am in Antarctica and thirsting for my life) and 2) biting my nails/around my nails out of stress, anxiety, boredom, habit, whatever. Now, mind you, I've been doing both these gross things since I was like, literally six years old probably. Pretty hard to break a habit after twenty years. But I'm working on it. I definitely have failed, but I'm currently on a no-ice streak that has been very exciting for the last week or so. Isn't it sad I get my excitement from breaking weird, awkward habits? :) I know.

But I've also been working on developing some good habits. Since Feb 10th this year, I haven't missed one day of doing my daily devotional time of Bible study and prayer. I've read straight through from Galatians-Jude and also the book of Proverbs so far. Every day, I read at least one chapter of a non-fiction book (I just finished Quitter by Jon Acuff today, which I weirdly only started two days ago). I also read at least one chapter of a fiction book, currently The Counte of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas. And I will be on it for a while, since it's over 600 pages, making it officially the longest book I have ever read.

I also have been trying to dedicate (a small or large, depending on the day) amount of time to working on a book. I've written a little more of When The Leaves Begin To Change, my book on the Holocaust, as well as finishing up When The Church Forgets To Blush, my first ever women's devotional book (which my amazing bff Emily Hatfield just finished editing for me!). I even started another women's devotional book called Always Be Ready: A Pocket Sized Guide To Biblical Answers which I hope to have out in the next few months! Lastly, I've made it a point to use my balance ball and either Bowflex or walk on my treadmill everyday.

What, you may wonder, am I striving to accomplish exactly? Growth in positive areas.

So here's an overview of what has happened for me in the few months I've been trying to grow positively in my habits and let go of negative habits:

-Since January, I have really grown spiritually. I used to have to force myself to sit down and read the Bible or to pray, not because I didn't want to, but because I let myself get too busy. Or sometimes just because Netflix had a new season up if I'm being honest. Now, I look forward to it. I think of it when I first wake up. I get excited about what I am going to learn and how God is going to mold me and make my heart more like His own. It's exciting and I desire it. When I first began, I prayed God would increase my desire for this daily time with Him, and He truly answered that prayer. As mentioned earlier, I've also read through nineteen books of the Bible fully so far, just by reading one chapter a day mostly (though sometimes I get carried away) :)

-I've read TWELVE books this year so far! Now, some of them weren't super big, but I am very, very slow reader (I like to absorb) :) so that is huge for me. They were:

1. Who Moved My Cheese?
2. 48 Days To The Work You Love
3. His Needs, Her Needs
4. Love & Respect
5. QBQ
6. The Lovely Bones
7. How To Be Lovely
8. Skipping Christmas
9. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
10. Quitter
11. The Count of Monte Cristo (still working on finishing this one)
12. Rhinoceros Success

I definitely didn't read 12 books last year. I don't even know that I read two or three! Small power of a one chapter a day (sometimes more) daily habit. I've learned so much and changed my outlook in so many ways. And definitely have spent less time watching mindless t.v. shows and more time bettering myself and my thought process.

-I also have more energy and strength and some new muscles since I began working out :) I may even be down a few pounds. Only a few minutes a day makes a big difference. I mostly love the feeling of accomplishment and how stretching on the balance ball makes my lower back pain basically nonexistent. Win!

-I've always loved writing and always will, but it's been so nice to daily try to devote some time to my passion. It's helped me to stay more plugged in creatively and feel more accomplished and excited about what I have coming up. I love how alive it makes me feel!

This post is mostly me rambling about my daily habits, I get that. So what is the point? Well, it is summed up so well in this quote I read recently:

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, 
Your thoughts become your words,
 Your words become your actions,
 Your actions become your habits, 
Your habits become your values, 
Your values become your destiny.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

To end, I want to tell the story that even made me really reflect on the power of a habit the other night...

I was watching Forensic Files, which is basically where a murder is solved using forensic technology, but rather than bore you with talk of luminol or serology, I'll get to the point. On one episode, a man was tragically and brutally murdered, literally hit with an ax sixteen times. What made this so interesting was what happened next. Several areas of his brain had been penetrated and irreproachably damaged, and understandably so, considering what he had just suffered. Despite this, the one part of the brain that hadn't been damaged was the part controlling his daily habits.

So, unbelievably, I watched as the story described what happened next. This man, unaware of his wounds and what had happened, acting on habit alone, literally got up, put on a sweater, walked down the stairs, made breakfast (and I'm talking eggs and bacon!), walked outside and got the paper, accidentally closed and locked the door behind him, and rummaged around for the hidden key and unlocked the door again. Is your mouth hanging open yet? If not, you might want to reread what you just read. This man, who was hit with an axe, mostly in his brain, SIXTEEN TIMES, got up and did everything he did every single morning. He had even begun to pack a lunch to take to work with him! After he walked back inside the door, he fell down in the foyer and sadly, finally passed away.

Talk about the power of a habit!

Today, and each day, choose wisely. 
Invest in growth in a positive way. 
Remember the power of a habit. 

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