I have been working on finding joy in my everyday life and I wanted to share some
concepts that have helped me, in hopes that they may help you as well. These are just a few
thoughts that popped in my head as I thought about joy.
1. Have a purpose for each day.
Am I the only one who's ever drug my feet, wondering "will this day ever be over?" Having a set
purpose for each day brings excitement and focus. It also helps us to achieve our goals.
2. Serve a cause bigger than yourself.
Some of the times that I have felt my best have been when I was serving a meal to someone else on
a holiday, or being a shoulder to cry on for someone who needed it. Find something or someone
that needs your attention--and give it. It will help them as much as it does you.
3. Dust off your feet.
Sometimes life is tough and moving on can be tougher. Forget that mean comment, show grace
when someone deserves a grudge, and continue moving towards the positive things in your life.
Don't get bogged down in people who live to make others' lives harder.
4. Learn to laugh.
Stop what you are doing, and find something to laugh at. Nothing is as good for the soul.
And I'm not talking about a crude joke or another person...just a good, clean laugh can do
5. Sprinkle your speech with grace.
Our tongues can sure get us into trouble. They can be used for so much good as well! Choose
words of kindness and compassion and watch the joy in your life increase as you bless others.
6. Pray every single day.
Is there anything more singlehandedly wonderful and soothing than talking to God? This one will
bring you some joy, and it will bring it quickly!
7. Seek out peace.
Want to know a sin I struggle with a lot? Worry! I think we all do at times. Want to know the
best way to find peace in this struggle? Let it go. Give it to God. Seek out peace, and you will
find it.
8. Realize that failure doesn't exist unless you allow it to.
I don't believe in failure. Everyone fails. Why would I hold myself to a higher standard than any
other person who has ever lived? I don't know anyone who has NEVER failed. The loss is in
giving up. Keep trying. Keep fighting. Keep going. You will win.
9. Act on the instinct to do good.
This is one of my favorites! We should act on our instincts to do good. Often we think, "I
should..." but we never do. What good goes undone when we have a noble intention, but forget?
There are prayers to be said, cards to be written, sick people to be visited, and so much more.
The good we can do is endless...let's get to it!
10. Find perspective.
Today is just today. Tomorrow (most likely) will come. If you are having a crummy day, breathe,
work it out, and find a way through. See the joy in the possibility of it's only up from here!
11. Stretch beyond what you believe yourself to be capable of being.
I am bad limiter of myself. I thought, well I can never write a novel...but then I did. I thought,
well no one would ever want to read it...but they did. We limit ourselves so heavily because of
the way we view ourselves--flaws, imperfections, and all. When we learn to view ourselves as
other people, and more importantly God does, then we can do anything!
12. Hope.
One of my all time favorite quotes says, "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and
no good thing ever dies." Don't let the good thing of hope die inside you. Keep it alive. Protect
the hope in your life. It keeps you healthy.
13. Do something you need to do, but don't feel like doing.
Every day this week, I have been working out (blegh). I hate it when I am doing it, but I feel so
good afterwards. Same principle applies to organizing, doing dishes, vacuuming, etc. Move your
body and your mind will follow suit.
14. Take time for yourself.
Every person who has ever lived, including Jesus, has had to take some time away for them-
selves. It is wonderful and helps the soul to have private time. We should use this time to pray,
curl up with a good book and hot chocolate, or take a bath. Relaxing helps us to feel refreshed.
15. Learn to say no.
Whew! This one can be hard, can't it? It's important for us to learn to say no, though. We need
to have a "vote" in our own life. I know I have been a victim more times than I like to admit of
"hey, do this because I said so." We all need to respect ourselves enough to know our own
boundaries and to teach ourselves and others to respect them.
16. Don't take yourself too seriously.
Nothing can steal your joy quite as quickly as never giving yourself a break! When you expect
perfection from yourself at all times, you can never have joy, because you can never live up to
your own unrealistic expectations. Cut loose, laugh, go to a theme park, make fun of yourself.
Experience the freedom of being imperfect and being okay with it.
17. Be social.
Friendships are good for the soul. So are game nights, dinners out, and just enjoying yourself.
Don't make life all work and no play. Find joy in others.
18. Think how you want to be.
What does this mean? It means if you want to be a positive person, begin by THINKING
positively. If you want to be a creative person, think creatively. An innocent person? Fill
your mind with pure things. Think, and so you shall be.
19. See the world in light of eternity.
How quickly many things lose their importance when we see them in the light of eternity. I think
many things that happen every day (flat tire, bad hair day, cut off in traffic, overcharged at a
store) won't matter in a million years, but the way that we reacted to them will.
20. Be optimistic when the world grows cold.
The world can be a cold, gray place. We can lose our joy quickly if we are not careful. Just sit
down and watch the news for a few minutes and see how it makes you feel after a while. How-
ever, we need to let good thoughts fill our hearts. Joy. Hope. Optimism. Be the person you wish
others would be. Be the person the world needs you to be. Be the light. Be optimistic when the
world grows cold.
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