Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7 Biblical Tips On Being A Good Wife

“Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity.” -Margaret Naldud 
I love that quote, and would like to suggest an alternative version where we consider "wives" instead of "women". It might sound something like this:
"Christian wives can never be like wives of the world. 
The world has enough wives who are tough; we need wives who are TENDER. 
There are enough wives who are coarse; we need wives who are KIND. 
There are enough wives who are rude; we need wives who are REFINED. 
 We have enough wives of fame and fortune; we need more wives of FAITH. 
We have enough greed; we need more GOODNESS. 
We have enough vanity; we need more VIRTUE. 
We have enough popularity; we need more PURITY." 
Today, are you that kind of wife? Here are 7 Biblical tips to help us be as we should.  

Share everything--dreams, hopes, fears, bad days, good days, little things that don’t really matter, computer passwords--everything. It builds a trust and communication level of which most marriages can only dream!

Pick your fights. Really. This one is hard for me sometimes. But some things are just not worth aruging about. Some arguments aren’t even about anything--you have just both had a long day and that person is there to take it out on. It is pointless to even go there. Practice grace instead. We can have an opinion and no man likes a doormat, but we also need to practice submission.

Don’t overschedule. Learn to say no. You will both be pulled in a million directions all the time. Have a set date night. Take turns planning surprises for the other one. Make time for each other! 

Make a budget. Be realistic. Live tightly now so you can have freedom later. Make a five year plan. Get out of debt. Don’t use credit cards--ever. Save an emergency fund. Learn to be content. Be a good steward. Your life will be better and you will thank yourself later!

Sometimes love is a choice. Not a feeling, but a decision. That’s what makes Christian marriages so powerful. When you have problems in the world, you get a divorce. When you go through a rough patch in a Christian union, you choose to honor God by honoring your spouse, even when you don’t feel like it. And there will be days. But marriage is deeper than just two people; God is the glue. My behavior shouldn’t be a reaction to what my husband is doing; it should be a reflection of my love for God.

I love Ephesians 5:33 because it shows how well God knows us! He doesn’t tell the women to love, but rather to respect. Women are natural lovers--we don’t have a hard time with that--but we do have a hard time respecting our man sometimes. And that is what he NEEDS. Men understand respect. They give it and they crave it. That’s why God tells them to love; they already have the respect part down. If you want your husband to feel loved, respect him!

The Proverbs 31 woman led her life in such a way that her husband was praised because of it. We need to be women like this. We can really hurt our husband’s ministry and influence by dressing immodestly. Another man should never see our breasts, stomachs, thighs, and many other parts, but I personally know men whose ministry has been ruined by this very thing occuring. Our actions, conduct, and modesty in other areas is equally important. Our lives must be worthy of praise in every aspect and we can show faithfulness to both our husbands and God by honoring them in the way we conduct ourselves.

1) Have at least one REAL kiss every day--at least ten seconds; 
 not just the pop kiss.
2) Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fix it instead.
3) Say ten positive things for every one negative you may need to say.
4) Always say I love you every chance you can.
5) Forgive.
6) Cuddle.
7) Grow closer.
8) Talk about the things that you admire in him. Write them down in a card and put it where he will find it.
9) Don’t lose your own self.
10) Try not to say anything negative to him for one week straight.
11) Give him at least two genuine compliments a day.
12) Rub his back.
13) Be understanding when you have reason not to.
14) Build up his self-esteem every chance you get.
15) Tell him he’s your hero.
16) Pray together and study together.
17) Be positive and upbeat.
18) Remember why you were attracted to him in the first place.
19) Be the woman he first met and let him fall in love with you all over again.
20) Most importantly, keep your focus on Christ! He is the one who helps us to love as we should.

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